Unraid January Digest

All things Unraid for January 2023

Unraid Digest 051

Hello Unraiders!

January has come and gone finally— here’s everything that’s been happening at Lime Tech and a few things to look forward to ahead:

  • Unraid OS 6.12.7-rc1 is almosssttt ready for public testing and has fixes for some corner cases in networking, Docker containers, VMs, and more. S.M.A.R.T. attribute handling for NVME and SSD drives has also been improved, so be on the lookout for this within hours or days.

  • We’ve released a new and improved Update OS tool via the Unraid Connect Plugin, greatly enhancing the Update OS and Downgrade user experience. These new changes will be available to all users in the next Unraid OS stable release.

  • The Nextcloud team invited Uncast Show host Ed Rawlings to their HQ in Berlin, and that interview is now live on Youtube and all major podcast platforms!

  • The Unraid team met up recently in sunny Southern CA for team bonding and annual company planning. We’re refreshed and excited about everything we’ve planned for the months ahead.

  • Storagereview.com tested the new AMD Ryzen 7 8700G in a 45Homelab HL15 case running Unraid! Check out the review and video for what they found.

This digest is also available in video form here.

Scroll on for the latest Unraid videos, top forum threads, and more! ⬇️

Community Content

New Uncast Show with the Co-Founder of Nextcloud

Checking out Unraid For the First Time!

Plex: Ultimate Guide for Beginners

New OS Update Walkthrough with Zack from Unraid

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